Mengetahui IQ LoA – Semacam Test
Saat ini konsep Law of Attractions (LoA) sedang heboh pembicaraannya dari berbagai belahan dunia. Sekalipun konsep ini sudah lama dikenal, kesuksesan buku The Secrets karya Rhonda Bhyrne membuat Loa jadi semacam budaya populer yang baru saja lahir. Berbagai forum baik online maupun offline berebut membicarakannya. Hukum yang bicara tentang daya tarik menarik di alam semesta seperti suka menarik suka, postif menarik postif atau sebaliknya, membuka wawasan baru bagi saya. Bahwa menjaga pikiran itu perlu. Fokus terhadap sesuatu yang kita mau, bisa dijadikan pintu dalam memperbaiki segala aspek kehidupan.
Jika kita menginginkan orang lain menyukai kita jangan sesekali menaruh benci atau dendam dalam pikiran. Karena benci dan dendam akan menarik hal yang sama. Jadi bukan cinta yang didapat tapi rasa benci atau dendam. Saya kira tak seorang pun menginginkan itu dalam hidupnya.
Terus ada yang bikin tes untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kita mempraktekkan Law of Attraction selama ini. Tentu saja saya tertarik mengetahui IQ LoA saya. Jadi begini ulasan mereka.
~ You Scored 21 out of 25
Your score here indicates that you are extremely clear on your goals.
You are already a step ahead because, while this can seem to be a simple area, it’s one where so many don’t manage to get clear – and as a consequence don’t achieve results.
The following is not so much advice on target setting, (since you have done a good enough job already!) but some follow up thoughts and ideas that you may find of interest…
Mengetahui IQ LoA : Thinking Big
Most of us were brought up to believe that wanting ‘more than enough’ was somehow wrong or even immoral. Yet, this is the very core of our human nature – the impetus to grow and expand. Just as someone who has spent many years learning will not suddenly decide he knows enough and will learn no more, or one who has painted amazing artworks will not lose the creative impulse to paint simply because he has painted ‘enough’….likewise, accumulating wealth, and the lifestyle that accompanies it, is a continuous process. There is no correct point at which we should stop and say “no more wealth for me, thank you.”
If we did stop, who would we be benefiting?
There is more than enough to go around, and so making the excuse that it’s somehow wrong to acquire great wealth is not logical or correct.
In fact, it’s by having wealth that you are placed in a real position to help those less fortunate.
The reason for making this simple point above is that many of us restrict or limit our ambitions in this lifetime. We set a target of, say, having a moderately successful business or a job that pays reasonably well. We tell ourselves that is all we need and besides, anything more than that would be pushing our luck.
Did you ever lay on your back underneath the stars on a clear night? It’s probably something we’ve all done at some point. If you have not stargazed in the last few years, make a point of doing it.
The perspective you get when lying on your back, gazing upward at the infinite expanse of stars in the universe is quite moving. How tiny everything is compared to that vastness.
As you lie there in awe of the size, draw a comparison to your current goals and objectives in life. Don’t they seem very small by comparison to the sheer enormity of the universe? Then, multiply them into something far more ambitious – maybe to own a beachfront property, a sports car, a large, successful business. Look back to the stars and see how insignificant and tiny that desire still is to the universe.
Do you think it would say “Oh no, you’ve been so greedy, I have nothing left to give anyone else now!’? Of course not!
When deciding on the scale of your dreams, look to the heavens before you set those limits.
Desire Versus Need:
There is a saying “Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it!”
Sometimes, we realize too late that the very thing we have strived for has brought with it disadvantages that were unforeseen. To avoid this happening, get back to priorities. As humans, we all share common needs – after the basics for survival are met – these needs can be summarized as follows:
The need for intimacy…
We all have a need to share our ideas, hopes and dreams with others close to us. We need to feel a deeper connection with at least one other.
The need for purpose, goals and meaning…
Our innate ability to analyze our circumstances and come up with creative new solutions is what sets us apart as humans. It is an ability that must be allowed the freedom to express itself otherwise boredom and frustration sets in.
The need for a sense safety and security…
We all need to feel our environment is basically secure and reasonably predictable. Financial security, physical safety and health, and the fulfillment of other basic needs all contribute to the completion of this need.
The need to get in touch with our spiritual side…
At some point in our lives, even the most unspiritual among us feel a need to understand our immortality, explore our connection to God or to somehow find a deeper meaning to life. If we never set aside the time to explore this part of our nature, the result is a sense of isolation, helplessness and anxiety as loved ones pass away and our own inevitable demise approaches.
The real value in being aware of our core, basic needs is that we remember never to sacrifice one of these needs in single minded pursuit of a goal. An example might be the workaholic, obsessed with reaching the top of the corporate ladder, but allowing his close relationships to suffer. What will his success be worth without a loved one to share it with?
The end doesn’t always justify the means. If you are so hell bent on achieving something that you are effectively putting other parts of your life, such as relationships, spirituality etc, on hold, then you may find that you’ve lost more than you’ve gained at the end of the day.
Why do you want what you want?
If you asked ten people at random what they would do with $1Million, you would likely get ten very different responses. For one, it may be invested in savings with just enough to live comfortably, for another it may be about taking a few years to travel the world in style, another may put the lot into a luxury home.
In other words, we all have different dreams. But, did you ever wonder where your own personal dreams came from?
For clues, we could look to our childhood, to our parents or adults who have influenced us as we grew up, or perhaps our friends or our siblings?
It’s a really interesting exercise to analyze why it is that you want what you think you want.
Ultimately we all want happiness. But figuring out what would make us really happy is not so simple. Many times we are motivated to want something based on ‘external’ influences. There’s nothing particularly wrong with wanting to live in a big house because your friends have big houses – or wanting to be successful at work to impress your colleagues. But, each of us has within ourselves, a set of talents that define us. If we got to a situation where we could be doing something we love and are naturally good at – that, of itself, would bring us real, sustained happiness.
Here is the thing… Most of us go after goals that are all about material possessions. Very few of us – if given a wish by a genie – would wish simply to be doing something we love and are talented at.
Most of us would ask for money.
Yet, if we just have faith that, in following our Heart’s Desire and being true to our own unique talents, we will bring about all the wealth and abundance we desire, our lives would be far richer.
Think of your goals in terms of what you want ‘to be’– not what you want ‘to have’.
The rest will fall into place – Be true to yourself.
Terlepas dari percaya atau tidak, setelah membaca semua hasilnya, not bad juga mengetahui IQ LoA Ini. Minimal saya bisa belajar yang perlu diperbaiki dan mana fokus harus diitingkatkan.
Mengetahui IQ LoA, anyone?